Collective Worship



At Selwood Academy we have daily worship which provides an opportunity for the whole school community to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, prayer, stillness and reflection, whilst meeting statutory obligations.

Worship is a mixture of Class Worship, Year Group Worship and Whole School Worship. This means our pupils are luckily enough to receive an act of worship from a wide range of members within our community such as teachers, members of senior leadership team, members of the local churches and ex colleagues.  

We have a new theme each week which links to a bible story or quote and split our worship into the following four sections: 

  1. Gathering together
  2. Engaging together 
  3. Responding together 
  4. Leaving together   

We also have special services to celebrate Harvest, Remembrance, Advent, Lent, Easter, Year 5 welcome service and our Year 8 Leavers Service. 

These services are an excellent opportunity for family members to worship alongside the school community through prayer and song. 

We recognise that Children and adults appreciate Christian Worship in different ways e.g. music, prayer, silence, Bible stories and poems so plan a variety of worships.  It is a reflective experience for children with different faiths or non. Pupils are often asked to give their viewpoint on the theme of worship and the impact it has had on them. Their responses are often deep and thought provoking.

At the end of every term, we hold a celebration assembly where certificates are awarded to recognise our pupils’ achievements in support of our vision of ‘Let your light shine’.  Matthew 5 v 16.

We ask our pupils for feedback annually through a survey so we can tailor our worship to their preferences and are incredibly privileged to have our well-being ambassadors, open and close our main hall worship sessions with the following reflection:   

Welcome to today’s main hall assembly. We will start with our opening reflection: In this school, our one main spiritual rule is to let your light shine before others each day. So what is your light? How does it shine bright? How do you make sure it’s not hidden away?

Wisdom is grown, when light shines on mistakes and is shown. How have you learnt from any mistakes made today? 

Community can be like the sun, when together each person’s light is made one. How have you helped others today? 

Joy sparkles bright, like shooting stars in the night. How have you bought joy to someone today? 

Hope is a flame, in a dark place of pain.  How have you given hope to someone today? 

Click below to read our Collective Worship Policy

Collective Worship Policy