Promoting British values

At Selwood Academy, we are committed to serving the community.  We recognise that we serve a population that benefits from ethnic, cultural,  and religious diversity. We appreciate that we have an important role in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school feel safe in the knowledge that they will not be subject to discrimination, intimidation or radicalisation.

At Selwood, we adhere to equal opportunities policies and guidance that helps us ensure that no discrimination will take place on the grounds of wealth, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexuality or political view. 



In the 2011 Prevent Strategy, the government set out its core British Values. At Selwood we provide numerous opportunities to explore these ideas. The information below gives you just a few examples of the ways in which we work with our young people to better understand these important principles.


  • The School Council and 'Pupil Voice' activities regularly help the school leadership in their work to improve the school
  • Annual 'political hustings' as part of the PASHE curriculum (see curriculum guide)
  • Combined R&P and PASHE projects- Exploring the life of Nelson Mandela, leading into PASHE political projects in Year 8
  • Year 8 History: 'Parliament and the King' - Democracy and the English Civil War. Communism and Fascism in the 20th Century.

The rule of law

  • Year 5 R&P: 'Facing Moral Dilemmas' (Exploring right and wrong)
  • Year 8 R&P: 'Should we Fight Back'? (Exploring response to injustice)
  • Year 8 History: The Rule of Law: a comparison with Nazi Germany.

Individual liberty

  • All years in R&P and PASHE: a learning theme on the rights to religious freedom
  • Year 8 R&P:  Religion and Identity 
  • Year 8 History: Individual liberty in the middle ages- how things have changed

Mutual respect

  • This is covered throughout all R&P and PASHE topics each term and during weekly acts of worship
  • Year 8 History: Discrimination, racism and genocide in Nazi Germany- The World Responds.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

  • This is a persistent theme throughout the R&P curriculum from years 5 to 8.  There is a strong and deliberate focus on respecting different beliefs and faiths. All the main-world religions are covered by the end of Year 8 with a whole-school 'Eastern Religions Focus Day' once a year