P.E Subject Vision

The Selwood PE Curriculum exceeds the expectations of the National Curriculum. 

Pupils are given the opportunity to succeed in broad range of physically demanding sports and activities. With opportunities to communicate, collaborate and compete with and against their peers, as well as against themselves.

The curriculum focus is for students to have fun, to develop physical literacy so that our pupils are equipped with the skills and confidence to commit to lifelong engagement in regular physical activity and/or sport to promote long, healthy active lives.

We want pupils to “SHINE” in PE at Selwood Academy

Show us - competence and confidence across a wide range of sports and activities.

(What can you show?)

Help others build leadership/social skills and abilities to analyse own and others performance.

(How do you improve?)

Importance of PE – all to value PE and physical activity.

(Why are you doing it?)

Never give up – build resilience and relate this to life and other subjects.

(Do you carry on even if you find it hard?)

Enjoyment & End product  – To have fun identifying meaningful activities that lead to lifelong participation.

(How much physical activity do you do outside of school hours?)

Activities within the curriculum are harmonised with the needs of the local community, with established sports clubs in the local Frome area available for most of the activities we offer. Therefore, the curriculum ‘opens the door’ to regular engagement physical activity for all pupils beyond their time at Selwood by providing an initial experience which may stimulate a passion for a given sport.

Alongside developing physical literacy, pupils will also develop identified key skills (head, heart, hands) for life and well-being. If a pupil develops and succeeds in these areas they will have the skills to enable them to be healthy, happy and successful in their adult and working life, enabling them to contribute positively to their communities.

Curriculum Maps



Extra Curricular activities

Outdoor and Adventure


P.E news and fixtures

Primary P.E and Sports Premium

Programme of Study

Sports day 2024



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