We understand how crucial it is to provide our pupils with exceptional pastoral care and support.

We strive to ensure that every pupil at Selwood Academy is cared for, feels safe and supported, and is inspired by their experience with us.


We aim to be a centre of excellence for Wellbeing for all members of our community, with a culture of mutual support and kindness for all.


We have key adults at Selwood who support the mental health and well-being of our children and wider community:-

Mental Health and Well Being Lead Andy Ellett
Pastoral Support Leader Carmen Batchelor
Pastoral Support Jadie Parker and Becky Lawson
Mental Health Champion and First Aid Andrea Sheldon
ELSA Practitioner Joanne Barrett
Well Being Ambassadors Lead Jenni Howell


We also currently work in partnership with Place2Be and ‘We Here You’ a local charity. Our key worker is Lucy Loubser.  These staff meet regularly to review the provision and support in place for our young people to ensure it best meets the needs of all.

In supporting we offer 1:1 sessions, small group work and additional interventions such as our sports intervention and additional forest school. These are not limited and are under constant review so the right support can be put in place to meet the individual needs at any given time where it is possible to do so.

Parents and carers and pupils can seek to access and discuss potential support by contacting your child’s tutor and Head of Key Stage or Pastoral Leader respectively. These key staff will them refer to and action the most relevant and appropriate type of support moving forward.

Our Mental Health and Well Being programmes are supported through our Well Being Action Group which has representation from Trustees, SLT, Teaching staff and pupils. Our pupils also support our programme through the work of our Well Being Ambassadors led by Miss Howell and the School Council led by Miss Hill.

In addition we have 9 additional members of staff who have been trained as Mental Health First Aiders through our partnership with Kingswood School in Bath. These staff are:-

Emily Ibbitson, Carlia Gibb, Holly Pearce, Rachel Parker, Joanne Barrett, Jadie Parker, Becky Lawson, Emily Cray and Lisa Rosier.


Further information can be found in the pupil and parent section.



  • Connect – With the people around you; with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.
  • Be Active – Discover a physical activity you enjoy that suits your level of mobility and fitness.
  • Take Notice – Be curious. Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling.
  • Keep Learning – Try something new. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving.
  • Give – Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Join a community group. Carry out a random act of kindness.


What supports positive mental health?

  • Friends and Family
  • Talk about how you are feeling
  • Exercise
  • Good sleep patterns
  • Eating healthily
  • Making time for yourself


Building Resilience

Life can become challenging and having the skill to work through potentially stressful situations is important.  Try to divide up stressful situations into smaller chunks so they become more manageable. You could also try to mentally step outside an issue and consider what advice you might give to another person with the same problem. Nurturing these coping skills will help you to develop a sense of bravery, an ability to solve problems, to stand up for your own views and beliefs, foster interests and making you feel better about yourself.


What can help?

You should consider:

  • Talking to someone you trust
  • Spend time with the people that make you feel good about yourself
  • Managing stress levels by talking to someone who may be able to offer support
  • Set tasks and goals that make you feel good about yourself.