Homework across the school will be set on the following days for each subject and Key stage. Key stage two will also get homework from different subjects one each term please see Key stage two section for details. Pupils will receive their first piece of homework week commencing 16th September. Homework will not be set in the final week of each term so it doesn't run over the holidays. For year 6 this will be different because at February and Easter holidays they will be set paper homework to support them as they get close to their SATs.




French week 1 (set fortnightly)


English Homework

English Homework



Humanities (week 1 History week 2 Geography)




Maths homework

Maths homework


KS2 Expectations

In KS2 children can expect to receive weekly Maths, English and spelling Homework.


Because reading is at the heart of everything we do in English, homework for the first week of each term will be focussed specifically on reading. Beyond this, we recommend reading as much as possible but a minimum of three times a week.

At KS2 children will receive weekly spelling tests focussed on the statutory spelling lists and spelling rules. In addition to this, the middle weeks of each term will focus on learning tier 2 vocabulary through our homework platform Bedrock. This adaptive AI programme adapts to students' learning and helps embed their understanding of new vocabulary. Pupils will be expected to achieve 20 points in the vocabulary section each week.

The final week of each term will then give students an opportunity to showcase the vocabulary they have acquired through both Bedrock and reading as they will complete a piece of creative writing focussing using on the new words they have learned.


Children will receive weekly Sparx homework. In KS2 the homework will be set to last 30 minutes. The platform will communicate directly with parents on how much homework your child has completed and count you down to the deadline. After assessments pupils will receive paper homework to go through their assessments.

Foundation subjects

Each term throughout the year a foundation subject will set an extended piece of homework linked to the subject to help support learning.

Term 1- Art

Term 2- Geography

Term 3- Science

Term 4- History

Term 5- French

Term 6- Religion and Philosophy


KS3 Expectations

In KS3 children can expect to receive weekly Maths (Sparx- 45 minutes), English (bedrock 20 points), Science and fortnightly Humanities (Geography one week History the next) and French homework. We recommend reading as much as possible but a minimum of three times a week. Reading is the key to all knowledge and children that read regularly often go on to achieve better outcomes in life.

  • All homework for both key stages will have one week for completion.
  • Other subjects may set enrichment, extension or retrieval homework when it supports learning.
  • Should pupils be assigned more than one piece of homework on one day, it is up to the pupil to organise their time during the week to make sure deadlines are not missed.
  • Failure to bring in homework will trigger the following:
    • Pupils will get a warning and a chance to bring in their missed homework
    • If pupils still do not bring homework an after school detention will be given. Teachers will use their personal discretion with pupils and their needs and circumstances.


Google Classroom

Some subjects will use Google Classroom to upload homework or inform you it has been set using Google Classroom. In these subjects paper homework is always available.


Please click the following links for an easy how-to guide on google classrooms:





Bedrock guidance video

- SPARX Maths Guidance video


Spaced Retrieval:

Homework often prioritises recall and retrieval exercises. This helps pupils to rehearse and strengthen knowledge and retention of learning. Spaced retrieval is a memory technique that helps people recall information over a progressively longer period of time. We know that this helps support pupils’ longer-term recall of knowledge and ideas and therefore allows them to be more successful in their learning over time.