Trustee Impact Statement 2023
The Trust Board at Selwood Academy plays a strategic role in the management and leadership of our school. There is a consistent strong focus on the three core features of school governance:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
• Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance of the staff
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its allocation money is well spent.
Vision, Ethos and Strategic Direction
Selwood Middle School converted to Academy status in 2011 and has a unique position as the only Anglican / Methodist Middle School in the country. Trustees maintain the distinctly Christian ethos of our school which is closely associated with the Diocese of Bath and Wells and the Methodist Council. Our core Christian values of Hope, Community, Wisdom and Joy underpin every decision that we make.
We are instrumental in holding the school vision of creating a safe, happy and enriching environment where all aspire to thrive, achieve and celebrate success together. We promote the dignity and wellbeing of every child and staff member and ensure they flourish in the course of their journey with us.
Selwood Academy has been running successfully for over ten years as a Single Academy Trust. Following recent government directives trustees are now actively seeking to work with a family of schools known as a multi-academy trust (MAT). Our target is to find a suitable partner, to match our vision and ethos, within the next two years We continue as a member of the Frome Learning Partnership. (FLP) to foster educational links within the town.
Trustees have recently updated the Articles of Association that govern the school and have reappointed a restructured board. The 5 appointed members are now separated from the Trust Board to provide greater accountability. There are 8 Trustees on the Trust Board, with two committees, Quality of Education and Resources (audit and risk).
The Academy maintains the profile of the school within the local community and have been the first school in Frome to offer taster days for prospective pupils in Year 4, opening up the opportunity to try the school before joining in Year 5.
Educational Performance
What impact has the Trust board of Selwood Academy made on the outcomes for pupils and the welfare of staff and pupils?
• The Key priority is to Improve the progress pupils make through an exceptional quality of education. The list below provides an outline of initiatives over the last few years.
Retention and Recruitment
Trustees appointed the new Head teacher, Daniel Jeffries in January 2021. Under his leadership the school has revised the curriculum, introduced forest school lessons and adopted a fortnightly timetable. This has enabled additional classes to be funded in KS2 allowing a reduction in class sizes where it would make the most impact on results, i.e. in Maths and English. It allows greater flexibility to offer a wide range of subject choices with specialist teachers for most subjects.
In addition, a new Deputy Head teacher and a part time Assistant Head appointed from Easter 2022, will be joining an already skilled and diverse Senior Team.
Trustees support the retention and recruitment of a high-quality workforce within the Academy, which includes teachers, support staff and a business administration team. We appreciate that employees are our most precious resource and their well-being a priority consideration.
Performance Management
Trustees have a robust staff appraisal system in place to ensure a high-quality standard across the Academy. The Head Teacher’s Performance Management is undertaken by a panel of three trustees, who are aided by an external advisor, Mark Walker and appointed by the Trust.
School Improvement
The Ofsted Report in 2022 rated the Academy as ‘Good’.
The SIAMS inspection in 2014 rated the Academy as ‘Outstanding’
Trustees strive to maintain educational standards and the strong Christian Ethos of this dual Foundation school.
Trustees have set ambitious targets at KS2 to achieve best ever results in English and Maths. Academy performance data is regularly reviewed at the Quality of Education committee. The aim is to achieve a percentage of both SEND and disadvantaged pupils that are at, or above age-related expectations, exceeding the national average. Investing in new exercise books in September 2021 promotes pride in pupil’s written work. Regular constructive feedback marking from staff enables pupils to reflect on their learning and understand how to make improvements.
Link Trustees visit the school at regular intervals to develop knowledge of subject areas to be able to effectively challenge the senior leadership team. Written reports are fed back to the Trust Board to triangulate SLT Reports and external audits.
Behaviour, Attendance and Exclusions
The Trust board supports and upholds high standards to maintain good order and discipline to ensure a high quality of learning experience and positive relationships. The Relationships for Learning Policy outlines expectations and consequences. The new Compass Room was opened in September 21 and has proved effective in regulating behaviour without loss to curriculum time.
Attendance target for 22-23 is set at 96%.
Trustees are working towards a zero- exclusion school. Exclusions show a downward trend over the last two years.
All children now eat lunch in the dining hall. Our current caterers’ Cleverchefs provide healthy meals from the school canteen. Other pupils bring their own packed lunches. Eating together promotes good manners, friendship and sociability. It frees up classroom space for other uses and reduces extra cleaning.
The school provides a wide range of after school clubs.
Trustees have a thorough oversight of a system that is effective and robust. The Academy undertakes Safer Recruitment and the Safeguarding Trustee ensures all systems are regularly monitored and checked by regular site visits and meetings with the DSL Safeguarding is a standing item at all of our meetings. The Academy has recently applied for a CIF bid to improve the overall security of the school site by increasing the level of perimeter fencing. This was completed at the end of 2022.
Following the recent Ofsted Report SEND provision at the Academy has significantly changed. The vast majority of SEND pupils attend lessons to access the whole curriculum along with their peers. All staff have access to specific training to enable them to meet the needs of SEND pupils as part of their CPD. Last year’s Year 6 Sat’s results revealed results above the National average.
Financial Performance
What impact has the Trust Board made on the financial performance of the school?
Trustees were successful in achieving the creation of a 3-G pitch on the site in 2019, which benefits pupils and the wider football community. Our target is to continue to increase revenue by maximizing the use of the pitch as well as revenue from all other sustainable lettings of the school premises for community use.
Following ESFA guidance the Academy retains a revenue reserve equivalent to one month’s salary costs. We also retain a sinking fund associated with the 3-G pitch, to cover renewal at the end of an estimated 10- year life cycle.
Trustees monitor the school budget and cash flow, together with management of the premises at regular Resources meetings. Careful decision making and principles of best value continue to keep the Academy a going concern.
Pupil Premium, Sports Premium and Year 7 catchup funding are displayed on the school website. This funding is reviewed and evaluated at committee to ensure government grants are spent effectively.
Trustees have access to a number of different external training providers to enable them to be fully aware of current educational issues. The Academy accesses training from NGA, National College, MAST and the Diocese of Bath & Wells. Skills audits enable the trust Board to operate with an appropriate range of skills to effectively challenge Academy leaders.
Academy Trust
The Academy Trust has 8 Trustees and meets 6 times a school. There are 2 committees - Resources and Quality of Education, which meet remotely via MS Teams. If you are interested in joining the Academy Trust then please contact the school.
Clare Cardnell, Chair of Trustees