My name is Alex Clay, I was a former student at Selwood Academy from 2004-2007. 

My time at Selwood was interesting to say the least, as I would say I was quite a challenging student from time to time and never thought school was for me.  Despite this, Selwood never gave up on me, I was supported and encouraged to do the best I can and was given opportunities to thrive in something that I really enjoyed such as Design, Technology and Art.

Fast forward 17 years and I now am the proud owner and Director of Clay & Co. Facilities Group Ltd.  I, along with my partner Kay and an amazing team of individuals supply cleaning and caretaking for schools and businesses in and around Somerset and Wiltshire. Since 2016 we have been working tirelessly to become a trusted and reliable company supporting the needs of local schools, plus other facilities such care homes and medical centres. Along with providing a safe and supportive environment for our workforce, we hope to continue to grow and support schools, organisations and businesses in our community, so that everyone can experience the difference that Clay & Co. can provide

We would like to take the opportunity to thank Selwood for entrusting in us and our service.  The working relationship with the whole school community and Business Team has been a pleasure and we hope for a long working partnership to continue.