Careers Staff
The Senior Leadership Careers Lead is Andy Ellett, Assistant Headteacher. Dave Finlay, Deputy Head is responsible for oversight of careers within the curriculum. Jenni Howell is responsible for design and implementation of the careers curriculum PSHE.
Our Careers Link Trustee is Abi Lyons, who is the Deputy Director, Culture & Inclusion at Bath University.
We also have a business Enterprise Adviser (EA) Dawn Denton who is linked to our school and offers support from a business perspective on our careers curriculum. Dawn has a wealth of experience, she is a published author, blogger and social media trainer. She has a background in tourism, teaching and event planning.
Please contact Andy Ellett if a student would benefit from a meeting with a qualified Careers Adviser, particularly around choosing options.
We work in partnership with the Somerset Careers Hub and Selwood Academy are implementing and evaluated on the Gatsby Foundation’s eight Career Benchmarks of good practice.
Pupils will have the opportunity throughout the academic year to experience a range of different career related activities through the curriculum and other events.
To view please click on the respective year group below:
Year 5
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 5 they will have had the opportunity to:
- Explore how they will need money to achieve some of their dreams
- Investigate a range of jobs carried out by people they know and will have explored how much people earn in different jobs
- Gain an understanding of a range of jobs they would like to do when they are older, what motivates them and what they need to do to achieve it
- Learn about the dreams and goals of children in a culture different to theirs
- Find out about a range of ways in which young people can support each other here and abroad
- Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers and enrichment visits
- Participate in Selwood’s careers Day
Year 6
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 6 they will have had the opportunity to:
- Identify own personal learning strengths and understand why it’s important to stretch the boundaries of their own current learning
- Learn how to motivate themselves and set success criteria
- Identify some ways they can work with other people to make world better place
- Complement other people and recognise their contribution and achievements
- Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers.
- Participate in an Enterprise Project and create Wellbeing products.
- Learn about “How to run a business” various visiting speakers
- Participate in Selwood’s careers Day
Year 7
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 7 they will have had the opportunity to:
- Explore through self-assessment - personal aspirations for work/areas of interest and why self-evaluation is important
- Identify their own characteristics, strengths and preferences
- Investigated and researched a variety of identified roles from Buzz Quiz
- Explored a range of Jobs / careers and occupations from Start Profile
- Learn about aspects of employment law relating to young people’s permitted hours and types of employment; and know how to minimise health and safety risks to themselves and those around them
- Recognise when they are using the qualities and skills needed to be enterprising
- Learn about volunteering: the rewards and benefits
- Describe different ways of looking at people’s careers and how they develop
- Identify different kinds of work and why people’s satisfaction with their working lives varies
- Describe the organisation and structure of different types of business
- Explain how they have benefited as a learner from career related learning activities and experiences
- Participate in an Enterprise Project Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers.
- Participate in Selwood’s careers Day
Year 8
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 8 they will have had the opportunity to:
- Learn about the South West of England - Geography and labour market of the South West of England: Be aware of what job and labour market information (LMI) is and what is can do for them; employment/unemployment compared to UK and other relevant statistics
- Explore Job and industry classification and distribution of sectors locally
- Prepare for employability: identify, develop and improve soft skills
- Recognise the qualities and skills needed for employability and started to gather evidence for those demonstrated both in and out of school
- Learn about resilience and why it is important for people seeking work
- Learn about Social Media and careers
- Explore careers and how these may change in the future
- Participate in a programme of Mindfulness, learning strategies and physical exercises in order to relieve stress, anxiety and to help them cope in challenging situations.
- Learn how to manage money well - personal budget, contribute to household and school budgets.
- Explore current education pathways
- Identify and make the most of your personal network of support including how to access the impartial careers information, advice and guidance that you need
- Know how to negotiate and make plans and decisions carefully to help you get the qualifications, skills and experience you need
- Identify and challenge stereotypes whilst learning about the world of work and why it is important
- Investigate what is meant by and how to achieve a work life balance
- Learn and develop employability skills
- Link career ambitions to GCSE options choices
- Accessed information from FE Colleges and Universities
- Accessed information regarding Apprenticeships
- Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers.
- Participate in workshops delivered by STEM Ambassadors ‘Careers in STEM’ Participate in Selwood’s careers Day
If you are already thinking about the future and possible careers there is quick and easy way you can find out key information which may help you when considering opportunities for the future. Follow the link to first careers website where you can search and find out about different careers
In addition, you may also find it useful to access @The Buzz Quiz via the link below which is a personality quiz designed to increase your awareness of your natural strengths, how you might work in teams and what courses or jobs might suit you best.
Where can different subjects take you?
Please find some useful links in considering option choices both now and in the future Post 16, Post 18
Useful Links
- Student & Parent Padlet Current Opportunities Padlet - The student and Parent Padlet is updated daily by the Somerset Careers Hub with opportunities relating to careers in all industries in Somerset and the rest of of the South West as well as careers education resources
- Careerpilot - Careerpilot is a one-stop, impartial, careers website providing information, advice and tools to support 11-19 year olds in planning their progression effectively. Further information in relation to information about the labour market future study options and career paths are explained in the following Animated video
- icould - icould is run by the Education and Employers charity as part of Inspiring The Future. A small dynamic charity that provides careers aspiration and information for young people. Icloud offers different ways to think about carrers trough a range of interactive informative sources
- National Careers Service - Here you can find information advice and guidance to help make decisions on learning, training and work, including help and support with CVs, skills reviewing and course finding.
- Apprenticeships ( - This government website provides a wide range of information for young people regarding apprenticeships, the benefits these bring and whether they might be the right route for them.
- Barclays Life Skills - Created by Barclays, LifeSkills’ single minded ambition is to inspire young people to get the skills they need for a better future. Resources are provided for pupils, teachers, parents/carers.
- Prospects ( - This website helps to guide students and graduates to a bright future with information, advice and opportunities
- Careers Box - A free online library of film, news and information and relating to the world of work which delivers a new way for pupils to explore their options.
- Success at School - A national careers website whose aim is to help young people make informed decisions about their future
- Amazing Apprenticeships - A leading organisation in the education sector, founded to tackle misconception about the apprenticeships and promote their benefits
- T Level Introduction - New A level alternative qualification. The government introduced a new qualification in 2020 to be taken after GCSEs as an alternative to A levels.
Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service
Get ready for your career Video (4 mins)
Information for parents on GCSE's Start (
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Click on the Job Roles below: